Indian Stores uk

Market place for indian stores

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turned-on lights in houses

For those who mean business..

If you are ready to sell items related to Indian Market Place, you can get started instantly. We offer generous free trial of 30 days. We take care of the tech and you take care your business by using our app. We will recognize and reward early joiners in our journey of empowering Indian Businesses in UK.

10 and 20 us dollar bill

No commission on sales!

There is no commission on sales.  You deserve the money you earn from your hard work. We charge a fixed subscription fee as a cost for providing the platform after 30 days free trial .

people walking on street during daytime

Save on advertisement.

By joining a growing Indian market place early you don't have to invest on advertisement but can focus on your products. Also we will provide cost effective campaign opportunities in future.


Below are the links and QR codes for our Android apps from Google Play store. We are currently working on our web application and will launch in some months. Also we have got the iOS app in development to be released after the web app.

Seller App

Buyer App


We offer 30 days trial for the vendors/sellers, and we will happily extend the trial if you couldn't make any orders within your trial period. Please register in the app first and kindly provide your shop id while setting up the subscription.